Selected poem by John Dryden


            O, no, poor suff'ring Heart, no Change endeavour,
            Choose to sustain the smart, rather than leave her;
            My ravish'd eyes behold such charms about her,
            I can die with her, but not live without her:
            One tender Sigh of hers to see me languish,
            Will more than pay the price of my past anguish:
            Beware, O cruel Fair, how you smile on me,
            'Twas a kind look of yours that has undone me.
            Love has in store for me one happy minute,
            And She will end my pain who did begin it;
            Then no day void of bliss, or pleasure leaving,
            Ages shall slide away without perceiving:
            Cupid shall guard the door the more to please us,
            And keep out Time and Death, when they would seize us:
            Time and Death shall depart, and say in flying,
            Love has found out a way to live, by dying.



            AIR Iris I love, and hourly I die,
            But not for a lip, nor a languishing eye:
            She's fickle and false, and there we agree,
            For I am as false and as fickle as she.
            We neither believe what either can say;
            And, neither believing, we neither betray.
            'Tis civil to swear, and say things of course;
            We mean not the taking for better or worse.
            When present, we love; when absent, agree:
            I think not of Iris, nor Iris of me.
            The legend of love no couple can find,
            So easy to part, or so equally join'd.